Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera! Terjumpa satu entry di facebook. Terstalk fb orang. Ehem. Walauapapun, thanks kepada owner fb sebab postkan entry sebegini. Dapatlah jugak manfaat daripadanya. May Allah bless you. Sooooo, memandangkan tahun ini 2013 dan semester kali ini merupakan penghulu segala semester sepanjang tempoh perjuangan ini. Maka kita dah boleh start target apa yang kita mahu. Berusaha untuk mencapat matlamatnya. Dan akhir sekali, berjaya dengan gilang, gemilang dan terbilang untuk menamatkan semester ini dengan macho dan superb! ^_^

Walaupun CGPS tak berapa elok sangat, tapi atleast kita sudah berusaha bukan? Ingat, itu semua rezeki pemberian daripada Allah yang maha kaya. So, kita cuba cuba dan mencuba untuk berusaha dengan mengikut tips-tips dari beliau. Sebenarnya tips ini untuk student Degree but why not kita as a student tak kira dari SPM,PMR, SPM, Diploma and so on tak mahu mencuba tips sebegini? Maaf, nama sebenar beliau tidak diketahui. Mungkin sengaja dirahsiakan. However, may Allah bless you always because sharing your knowledge:)


 YOU are already an adult now. Accept it whether you like it or not. And in degree,lecturers have a very big power&authority to grand you the marks. So think before you talk and THINK before you write your assignments. Lecturers can and will judge you from many aspects including your behavior in class. Speaking without thinking may make you a class clown and lecturer hate class clown. 

2..FOKUS dalam kuliah,make sure:
  • 1. MAKAN PAGI. at least roti/mnum air
  • 2. duduk row 1-row 5 di depan.
  • 3. makan gula-gula/mint candy
  • 4. tido awal di wktu malam. 11pm masa terbaik utk tdo.
  • 5. bersenam at least skali smnggu.jogging dah ckup.
  • 6. lunch yg ringan mcm nasi+sayo je.
  • 7. sebelum mula kelas, BERDOA mhon Allah mudahkan.
  • 8. kalau mengntuk sgt,bgun kuar kelas dan jalan2 skit.
3. Ways to have easy minds and calm hearts:
  • 1. before leaving ur home, recite 3 Kul in ur hearts and selawat.
  • 2. in the car, recite Al-Fatihah and selawat
  • 3. entering uni's gate, recite selawat 3x,smile to ur family.
  • 4. entering ur room. *this one is important* give Salam,recite 3KUL, MAKE sure you enter with your right foot first.
  • 5. after orientation week, (saturday night most probably), take time to recite surah Yasin 3x with the niat of asking Allah calmness and protection. then RECITE ayat RUQYAH.
  • everyday after asar, recite Al-Mathurat.
4. have LEISURE TIME! Find calmness in solat, reading Quran,listening to nasheed,watch movies etc on Friday evening/saturday night.

5. READ lecture notes before class! you can't avoid it,reading lecture notes really help to improve your understanding & memory. You hate reading? Then why choose a reading degree?4. HANDS ON! do exercise and practice a lot, although reading degrees are 60% reading,you still need to try past years question so that you get use to the questions in exam.

6. do EXTRA READING! read JOURNAL & magazine such as Discovery magazine,reader digest,solusi,majalah Jom. It will help to expand ur ideas & thinking.

7. Be ALERT! reading degrees really have "abstract" & unpredictable questions in exam so be wise and knowledgeable. stay alert with ur surrounding & current issues. *my style is reading on9 newspaper every day*

8. COMPARE NOTES! reading degrees are abstract, what u understand might not be 100% correct so comparing with others help to improve understanding.

9. PREPARE EARLY! make sure you study JUST what topics lecturer told you to study & STUDY 2 weeks before quiz/test/exam.

10. LISTEN & write. Listen 1st! never listen and write. just listen,memorize and when lecturer stop for a while, write ur simple notes. or just hold 1 highlighter and during lecture,JUST highlite important words.

11.Do a lot of PAST YEARS TESTS. Engineering subjects are all about skills and practice so when you answers many past years questions, you tend to see a repeated patterns and you can even predict what question coming out for tests!

12. Know deeply about one particular person that is well-known for your field.Let say, you love Apple, so read about Steve Jobs and gain inspiration from that person.

13. PARTICIPATE IN COMPETITION! Engineering is about practice (dah mention tadi hehe) so do participate in many engineering competition like UTMBRIDGE, robotic championship, F1 university, Solar car comp, Inatex comp etc etc. Great bonus for your work resume later.

14. Grab the engineering subjects main concept. If you already understand the concept for that topic, any questions would be very easy and smooth. 

15. YOUTUBE and watch videos of latest invention of your course. For example,you are a bioengineering/biotech/biochem/chem engin students, watch animation about how gold can cure cancer. 

16. Go to any conference/convention etc (BioMalaysia/International Water Convention etc) and build network there. Talk to pro engineers and make sure to have their business card. *This one really help for works later*


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